The plugin really slows down the interface of the bricks
Cédric Bontems
v1.4.9 gives option for Bricks users to pre-load less classes or no classes in Bricks suggestions, which reduces the resources usage if needed.
Brian Steele
Cédric Bontems: I thought this meant the there was no auto-suggestion for certain classes in Bricks, but that they were still available to use – you just have to type them in. What I'm finding is that it's not loading the classes in the stylesheet either.
For example, I have a grid that uses o-cstart, o-rstart, o-cspan & o-rspan, but unless I select to pre-load Large ~2000 classes, those classes no longer work and the grid is broken.
Cédric Bontems
in progress
Currently working on limiting and giving user choice on classes pre-loaded in Bricks for autosuggestion. which should help with speed.
Ueli Fritzl
Any news regarding the slow speed issue? I am thinking to buy either Oxyprops or Automatic CSS. But if a framework slows down the editor in Bricks, it would be a no go for me. Thats why Im wondering if that issue still exists?
Slim Allani
I am still very new with OxyProps and I experienced the same issue but as soon as I increased the Wordpress memory limit to 256M, the speed problem disappeared.
I just added this code: ('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M') to wp-config file.
Cédric Bontems
under review
Are there any specific actions that make is slow.
Do you have a publicly accessible site to check the issue ?
Min Thaik Han
Yes, it need to be fix ASAP. Impossible to work with it right now.
Ueli Fritzl
Min Thaik Han: did you already try the suggestion from Slim to increase the Wordpress Memory?
Min Thaik Han
Ueli Fritzl: I always start with 256M on every fresh install. I found out the problem is bricks itself. Some problem with auto suggest function. I have a template site now reach 800 custom classes and start facing the same problems.
Ueli Fritzl
Min Thaik Han: I see, so the cause is the template site with 800 custom classes, but other sites without that template work fine, right?
Why someone would create 800 classes.. how did you see that it has 800 classes? In case if I once experience slow speed, I would have to check the classes of the site, good to know.
Min Thaik Han
Ueli Fritzl: Still not, Oxyprop imported hell lot of classes as well. Cédric Bontems will figure this out.
Yes, I would like optimization, otherwise it hangs and slows down in the editor. Please improve the speed
Vladimir: +
Ueli Fritzl
Vladimir: did you already try the suggestion from Slim to increase the Wordpress Memory?